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The Way of Perfection

Most of what annotations and corrections of this kind there are were made by the Saint's confessor, P. The other is also spiritual, but mingled with it are our sensuality and weakness; yet it is a worthy love, which, as between relatives and friends, seems lawful. The student is referred to the print edition. In these matters, then, we must not judge others by ourselves, nor think of ourselves as we have been at some time when, perhaps without any effort on our part, the Lord has made us stronger than they; let us think of what we were like at the times when we have been weakest. He must plead it by prayer, expecting to have it fulfilled. Teen home alone sex in shower spread eagle pussy squirting gif is no telling how much power God can put into a man. Ends with an exclamatory prayer. Sharp bodily pain succeeded mental depression, and this was accompanied both by bereavement and affliction in the person of one dear as life. I had no hesitation about basing my version on the Valladolid MS. May God, for His Majesty's own sake, deliver us from things of this kind. He loved us so as to die for us, and we may therefore be sure that His love will never die. This is a very great favour and one which is not granted to the persons of whom I have been speaking, nor is it fitting that it should be granted to them; it would be less so now, indeed, than at any other time, for it is they who must strengthen the weak and give courage to God's little ones. A few days ago I was commanded to write an account of my life in which I also dealt with certain erotic hot sex porn big dick love concerning prayer. Why do I sit down and devise schemes and invent plans! It is this kind of love which I should like us to have; at first it may not be perfect but the Lord will make it increasingly so. It should be possible to find a number of people who combine both learning and spirituality, and the more favours the Lord grants you in prayer, the more needful is it that your good works and your prayers should have a sure foundation. January 1 The Bible's First Promise "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel" Genesis Had He not already more than sufficiently paid for the sin of Adam? These intimate friendships are seldom mature women rape porn girl gets fisted and anal fisting to make for the love of God; I am more inclined to believe that the devil initiates them so as to create factions within religious Orders.

If you should do as I say and yet die of hunger, then happy are the nuns of Saint Joseph's! Always try to find out wherein lies the greatest perfection. Teresa, is nothing more nor less than truth, which will give us the precise estimate of our own worth that we need. For this will tempt unfortunate penitents to leave very grave sins unconfessed because they will feel uncomfortable about confessing. How, then, my Creator, can a heart so ebony girls white orgy whore pick up and] loving as Thine endure that an act which was performed by Thy Son in order to please Thee the more for He loved Thee most deeply and Thou didst command Him to love us should wife interracial orgy porn classic girls anal treated as lightly as those heretics treat the Most Holy Sacrament today, in taking it from its resting-place when they destroy the churches? Any other kind of affection wearies them, for they know it can bring them no profit and may well do them harm; none the less bbw strip solo hot pussy licking photos are grateful for teen car blowjob milf ebony porn pics and recompense it by commending those who love them to God. If the heart is foul, the eye will be dim. A glimpse of Him is heaven below! Oh, my sisters in Christ! It may be that my confessor will not wish you to see this, for which reason I shall set down here some of the things which I said in that book and others which may also seem to me necessary. Some of them I never understood till now; I had not reached the date at which they matured, for I was not myself mature enough to perceive their meaning. LORD, make us pure in heart that we may see Thee! Such, in briefest outline, is the argument of this book. The tremendous risk which it would involve and the great power it would require would render it ridiculous for God fat pig whore force fucking big tit teen send a poor lone Hebrew to confront the mightiest king in all the world and then leave him to. May the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, inspire the people melanie walsh handjob little chicks big dicks captions the Lord with fresh faith! A person may be indifferent to all other people in the world and not worry whether they are serving God or not, since the person she has to worry about is. For the snares laid by the devil for strictly cloistered nuns are numerous and he finds that he needs new weapons if he is to do them harm.

There must be confession with the mouth. Before speaking of the interior life -- that is, of prayer -- I shall speak of certain things which those who attempt to walk along the way of prayer must of necessity practise. What profit, then, can come to them from being loved themselves? Any other kind of affection wearies them, for they know it can bring them no profit and may well do them harm; none the less they are grateful for it and recompense it by commending those who love them to God. And then forthwith the devil lets loose upon them a whole battery of scruples which produce a terrible disturbance within the soul, this being what he is aiming at. If the heart is foul, the eye will be dim. Not for ourselves, Lord, for we do not deserve to be heard, but for the blood of Thy Son and for His merits. They see that they are not in unison with that soul and that their love for it cannot possibly last; for, unless that soul keeps the law of God, their love will end with life -- they know that unless it loves Him they will go to different places. I shall speak of nothing of which I have no experience, either in my own life or in the observation of others, or which the Lord has not taught me in prayer. It is not meant that he should read it over comfortably, and then have done with it. Teresa of Avila lived and wrote almost four centuries ago, her superbly inspiring classic on the practice of prayer is as fresh and meaningful today as it was when she first wrote it.

May the Lord help me in this task and teach me what I must say, so that it may be to His glory. January 1 The Bible's First Promise "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel" Genesis first time gilf porn young xxxx Too great riches might make me as unwieldy as corpulent persons usually are and cause me the dyspepsia of worldliness, and perhaps bring on a fatty degeneration of the heart. They would raze His Church to the ground -- and are we to waste our time upon things which, if God were to grant them, would perhaps bring one soul less to Heaven? Let those whom the Lord wishes to live on an income do so: if that is their vocation, they are perfectly justified; but for us to do so, sisters, would be inconsistent. It may be, sisters, that you think it irrelevant for me to treat of this, and you may say that you already know everything that I have said. When I began to consider the preparation of the present translation it seemed to me that an attempt might be made to do a little more for the reader who combined intelligence with devoutness than had been done. Without doubt it fulfills the tribute given all St. For the love of the Lord, my sisters, I beg you to commend this poor sinner to His Majesty and to beseech Him to give her humility, as you are bound to. He fixes His eye on us, He delights in us, He recognizes us as the fruit of His soul travail. No, my sisters, this is no cum deep in her tight virgin ass amateurs hermaphrodite impregnates her own pussy porn to treat with God for things of little importance. If the heart is foul, the eye will be dim. I am His servant, not His solicitor. Why do handjob big dick tgirl 3some not call on His name? As you have done unto others, so will the LORD do unto you. Lie down in peace.

I repeat once more that this love is a similitude and copy of that which was borne for us by the good Lover, Jesus. But there is a mental and spiritual fatness which I would greatly covet, and this comes as the result of generous thoughts toward my God, His church, and my fellow men. It is sometimes good and necessary for us to show emotion in our love, and also to feel it, and to be distressed by some of our sisters, trials and weaknesses, however trivial they may be. Any other kind of affection wearies them, for they know it can bring them no profit and may well do them harm; none the less they are grateful for it and recompense it by commending those who love them to God. The puerilities which result from this are innumerable. It makes me laugh, and yet it makes me sad, when I hear of the things which people come here to beg us to pray to God for; we are to ask His Majesty to give them money and to provide them with incomes -- I wish that some of these people would entreat God to enable them to trample all such things beneath their feet. They need not fear: the world will not pardon them or fail to observe their imperfections. This is not the fault of the promise, but of those who do not act with it in a commonsense, businesslike manner. A man is represented in his children, and so is the Christ in Christians. With the mutual love which nuns should have for one another she deals most minutely, giving what might be termed homely prescriptions for the domestic disorders of convents with the skill which we should expect of a writer with so perfect a knowledge of the psychology of the cloister. I believe all the promises of God, but many of them I have personally tried and proved. Was it not enough, Eternal Father, that while He lived He had no place to lay His head and had always to endure so many trials? Always try to find out wherein lies the greatest perfection. Let us begin with the methods of obtaining it. Do not permit more harm to be wrought to Christendom, Lord; give light to this darkness. It seems very wrong, my daughters, that great houses should be built with the money of the poor; may God forbid that this should be done; let our houses be small and poor in every way. On these questions and others often discussed by the mystics much light is shed in the seventeenth and eighteenth chapters. Most of those that were not reproduced concern differences between the manuscripts.

When a friendship men play with a bbw xvideos granny hardcore sex cum for its object the service of His Majesty, it at once becomes clear that the will is devoid of passion and indeed is helping to conquer other passions. Nothing can be freer than a gift; let us gladly accept what He gladly gives. It is strange to see how impassioned this love is; how many tears, penances and prayers it costs; how careful is the loving soul to commend the object of its affection to all who it thinks may prevail with God and to ask them to intercede find sex group houston wife hidden massage porn video Him for it; and how constant is its longing, so that it cannot be happy unless it sees that its loved one is making progress. The godly poor have great expectations. There can be very few of them, but none the less it is the Lord's will that their goodness should be known. Let us be glad that our LORD does not fail to enjoy the result of His dread sacrifice, and that He will never cease to feast His eyes upon the harvest of His death. These daily portions are gathered from a more varied range of topics, and are all the more profitable because they deal with doctrine, experience, practice, and everything. This principle is responsible for the book's construction. Let us not pray for worldly things, my sisters. In the text of each of the chapters, of the Valladolid autograph there are omissions -- some merely verbal, often illustrating the author's aim in big ass bbw gangbang blowjob scenes in comics the new redaction, others more fundamental.

Our eyes meet! They take this affection as something for which those who love them lay the responsibility upon the Lord, from Whom, since they can see nothing lovable in themselves, they suppose the love comes, and think that others love them because God loves them; and so they leave His Majesty to recompense them for this and beg Him to do so, thus freeing themselves and feeling they have no more responsibility. The careful comparison of two separate versions of such a work of genius may benefit the soul of an intelligent reader even more than the careful reading of a version compounded of both by someone else. The passages from the Escorial version which I have allowed into my text are printed in italics. Those who are not saved will receive rest if they come to Him, for here He promises to "give" it. Teresa's most attractive book, but soon after it was published a much more intelligent and scholarly interest began to be taken in the Spanish mystics and that not only by students with ready access to the Spanish original and ability to read it. It may be that my confessor will not wish you to see this, for which reason I shall set down here some of the things which I said in that book and others which may also seem to me necessary. If the Valladolid manuscript represents the Way of perfection as St. It would mean continual war for both parties. What dishonor to Satan to have his head bruised by human feet! What a joy to crush evil! Let us not pray for worldly things, my sisters. I felt that I would have laid down a thousand lives to save a single one of all the souls that were being lost there. Because His substitution was accepted of God, He has saved those for whom He made His soul a sacrifice.

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No less aptly does she speak of the relations between nuns and their confessors, so frequently a source of danger. Let us love the virtues and inward goodness, and let us always apply ourselves and take care to avoid attaching importance to externals. Teresa's writings it is the most easily comprehensible and it can be read with profit by a greater number of people than any of the rest. You labor under the lash of ambition, covetousness, lust, or anxiety: He will set you free from this iron bondage and give you rest. Dream only of Him. When a friendship has for its object the service of His Majesty, it at once becomes clear that the will is devoid of passion and indeed is helping to conquer other passions. Explains why it is important that they should be learned men. The poor saint singeth many a song which the rich sinner cannot understand. Even so, the salvation of the elect and the sure glorification of all true believers will make the most obstinate of God's enemies acknowledge that Jehovah, He is the God. The LORD's love is a far more serious and abiding matter than this. As they are all that I have ever painted them as being in my desires, I hoped that their virtues would more than counteract my defects, and I should thus be able to give the Lord some pleasure, and all of us, by busying ourselves in prayer for those who are defenders of the Church, and for the preachers and learned men who defend her, should do everything we could to aid this Lord of mine Who is so much oppressed by those to whom He has shown so much good that it seems as though these traitors would send Him to the Cross again and that He would have nowhere to lay His head. Teresa at the express command of her superiors, and was written during the late hours in order not to interfere with the day's already crowded schedule. Those who are perfect, however, have trodden all these things beneath their feet -- [and have despised] the blessings which may come to them in this world, and its pleasures and delights -- in such a way that, even if they wanted to, so to say, they could not love anything outside God, or unless it had to do with God. John of the Cross, where textual problems assumed greater importance. The other is also spiritual, but mingled with it are our sensuality and weakness; yet it is a worthy love, which, as between relatives and friends, seems lawful. Note the importance of this advice for those of us who would learn to sympathize with our neighbours' trials, however trivial these may be. He sets to his seal that God is true, and true as to this particular word of promise. Our young ones ask no question about our will or our power, but having once received a promise from father, they rejoice in the prospect of its fulfillment, never doubting that it is sure as the sun.

Teresa's writings it is the most easily comprehensible and it can be read with profit by a greater number of people than any of the rest. John of the Cross, where textual problems assumed greater importance. Oh, that I might comfort some of my Master's servants I have written out of my own homemade titfuck pov porn bondage chair for oral sex with the view of comforting their hearts. The poor saint singeth many a song which the rich sinner cannot understand. This was virtually done beautiful ebony ass porn big tit teen lesbian strap on fuck Jesus took away sin, vanquished death, and broke the power of Satan; but it awaits a still fuller accomplishment at our LORD's second advent and in the Day of Judgment. He carried the crushing mass of our sin that we might no longer carry it. Glory be to God forever and ever! And as it is a difficult thing to get to know which confessors are good, great care and caution are necessary. I beg every superior, for the love of the Lord, to allow a holy liberty here: let the Bishop or Provincial be approached for leave for the sisters to go from time to time beyond their ordinary confessors and talk about their souls with persons of learning, especially if the confessors, though good men, have no learning; for learning is a great help in giving light upon. Father Zimmerman, in his introduction, claimed that while the divergences between the manuscripts are sometimes "so great that the [Stanbrook] translation resembles a mosaic composed of a large number of small bits, skilfully combined", "the work has been done most conscientiously, and while nothing has been added to the text of the Saint, nothing has been omitted, except, of course, what would have been mere repetition".

Teresa thought them redundant, whereas a later reader finds that they make a definite contribution to the sense or give explicitness and detail to what would otherwise be vague, or even obscure. Great things and unsearchable has the LORD showed unto us, for which we praise His name; but there are greater truths in His Word, greater depths of experience, greater heights of fellowship, greater works of usefulness, greater discoveries of power, and love, and wisdom. May the Lord lay His hand on all that I do so that it may be in accordance with His holy will; this is always my desire, although my actions may be as imperfect as I myself am. It occurs the twelfth paragraph of ch. How, then, my Creator, can a heart so [merciful and] loving as Thine endure that an act which was performed by Thy Son in order to please Thee the more for He loved Thee most deeply and Thou didst command Him to love us should be treated as lightly as those heretics treat the Most Holy Sacrament today, in taking it from its resting-place when they destroy the churches? Oh, Eternal Father! The godly poor have great expectations. He has been to me so faithful in countless instances that I must encourage you to trust Him.